Berlin (West)

Date1966, 15 VI
Value5 Pfg, 2 DM
Catalog no.Mi 279, 285   Sc 9N235, 9N250   SG B244, B259   Y&T 246, 252
TopicSzczecin - Lwówek
OccasionSeries German buildings during 12 ages
Description2 DM-stamp issued on 1966, 13 XII. During the period 1966-1969 the German Federal Republic (GFR) and West Berlin brougt into circulation a series with the theme 'German buildings through 12 ages'. The series counts 15 stamps. Most of the buildings are located in the GFR . Three buildings are in the area of the former GDR (East Germany), two in todays Poland and one in the former Soviet Union, now Russia. On 5 Pfg a picture of the Brama Portowa (Berliner Tor) in Szczecin. The inscription: STETTIN / POMMERN. The 2 DM-stamp shows the gothic town hall in Lwówek Sląski, a small city in southwest Polen. The inscription: LÖWENBERG / SCHLESIEN. Because of the cold war situation, the communist countries protested against this 'western agression'. Stamps used for letters to these countries were refused, or the stamps were made unrecognizable.